The book deals with peace and war. Its purpose and meaning lie in the recognition (once again) and description of both titular states—refreshing the forgotten concept of "peace" and clearing the concept of "war" from its semantic burden. The reflections, inquiries, and analyses are first subordinated to answering fundamental questions—what is peace (in contemporary terms) and what is war (in contemporary terms)—and then to considering and weighing the chances of maintaining a (relatively) lasting peace, as well as assessing the probability of major armed conflicts erupting in the future. This goal dictates the structure of the work, divided into three main parts: the first about peace, the second about war, and the third about the future of wars and peace.
In this work, I deliberately limit my reflections and inquiries to the dichotomy of peace and war. However, they could undoubtedly be much richer if intermediate states, such as crises, were included.
The book is intended as a popular science publication. Therefore, there is no need to present in the introduction the scientific methodology and substantive layers of the work. The work does not belong to any single academic discipline—it is interdisciplinary. Interdisciplinarity here means the presence of international relations studies, polemology, and military art, though not necessarily in equal proportions.
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